莱招聘 | 全职、实习岗位等你来!
1. 承接本地化翻译项目,确定项目范围和报价;2. 计划和监控项目流程,保证项目期限、质量和预算符合客户要求;3. 维护客户关系,统筹协调内外部资源;4. 监督和维护项目财务,确保财务数据、流程和时间点的准确性;5. 预估项目风险,并及时提出解决方案;6. 组织并参与客户会议。任职要求:1. 大学本科及以上学历,语言,本地化相关专业;2. 1年以上项目管理经验,有本地化经验者优先;3. 优秀的中英文听说读写能力;4. 有较强的责任感及客户服务意识;5. 具有多任务并行处理能力,能承受一定压力;6. 有项目/团队管理经验或潜力;7. 熟悉使用CAT等翻译技术软件加分。
2. 帮助团队优化工作流程,从技术角度协助项目经理对项目进行跟踪、管理和风险控制;3. 使用各种本地化工具进行文件分析、处理、编译、测试及图像处理等;4. 保证软件产品本地化的质量,包括文件状态错误、格式错误的检查,用户界面调整等。
任职要求:1. 本科及以上学历,通信、信息或电子工程、计算机及其相关专业;
2. 有良好的计算机背景,对新的计算机知识自学和领悟的能力强;3. 通过CET-6,优秀的英文读写和中文沟通能力;4. 熟悉通用的操作系统和软件工具(如MS Windows, MS Office等),了解软件的生命周期;5. 熟悉Trados等通用的本地化工具,有本地化行业工作经验加分;6. 高度责任心,细心认真,系统条理;7. 有良好的合作态度,团队精神;8. 有较强承压能力,勇于接受挑战。
1. Act as first point of contact for clients within the Customer Org within the Asia region. Forge strong relationships with the customer interfaces. Understand the client team dynamic, their business goals, priorities and challenges;
2. Gather and review financial reporting, VAR, Labor and PCM results, customer complaints and KPI data, together with the responsible PM.
3. Actively lead pre-sales efforts to win and on-board new customers, leveraging own experience and the experience from supporting teams within Lionbridge;
4. Ensure the accuracy of financial project data, workflows, schedules and processes to maximize efficiency and profitability for one or more complex programs;
5. Bring the accounts to a new level of delivery, bring high level of value add to the account – improved processes, innovation, efficiencies, ensuring our internal teams consistently exceed quality standards;
6. Participate in customer requirements planning and ensure that account teams are aligned with current and future customer requirements. Drive Quarterly Business Review [QBR] processes together with the client. Focus on upselling and optimization during weekly and quarterly meetings;
7. Overall responsibility for the timely flow of all account project actions from initiation to delivery, ensuring that projects meet quality, turn-around time and budget expectations;
8. Contribute to global initiatives, meetings and process and system enhancements for one or more complex programs;
9. Set objectives and training requirements for PMs in the team and coach and help them to achieve growth and development in their role. Deliver input for formal performance reviews to upper management;
10. Report on a regular basis to GPM/GPD, Director or Program Management and Site Management;
11. Monitor daily work and performance of PMs in the GDCs. Address inadequate and reinforce good performance;
12. Participate in development of SLA and SOW docs as well as RFP processes.
1. Experienced in negotiating with customer and setting customer expectations;
2. Experience in complaint communications and resolving with customer;
3. Located locally in China and covering the local Beijing time zone;
4. Native Mandarin speaker, fluency in English;
5. Over 5 years’ experience in Project Management, 2 of which must be at lead level;
6. Excellent Client Communication and Management skills;
7. Minimum 3 years’ experience in leading localization or Digital Marketing accounts;
8. Expertise in written communication: e-mail, status reports, proposals, etc.;
9. Excellent Presentational skills is essential;
10. Excellent at managing people: team building, conflict resolution, stakeholder management, negotiation, and decision making;
11. Experience in managing multiple project types such as web projects and/or online content preferred;
12. Thorough understanding and experience of company budgeting tools and processes;
13. Experience of working with offshore teams;
14. Strong experience using Microsoft Packages.
Translate securities research reports;
Ensure reports are translated and published in an efficient manner;
Cooperation with analysts, editors and SAs.
Be able to work on client side.
Fully Chinese/English bilingual and bicultural; Financial Translation experience is a MUST; Excellent command of both English and Chinese Simplified; Meticulous with a keen eye for detail, careful and responsible; Highly commitment to quality service; Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines; Quick learner, thinker and team player.
1. 协助项目经理承接和管理本地化翻译项目;
2. 与客户、项目组成员和合作伙伴进行日常沟通交流;
3. 分析项目流程和计划制定;
4. 准备生产所需的文档;
5. 控制项目成本,调整预算;
6. 及时提交客户满意的产品。
1. 大学本科及以上学历,语言,本地化相关专业;
2. 协调能力强,能够合理安排并发任务的时间;
3. 优秀的中英文听说读写能力,沟通能力强;
4. 有较高的职业素养,具备出色的团队合作和敬业精神;
5. 愿意承受较强的工作压力,勇于接受挑战;
6. 有外企工作经验、海外学习或工作经历者加分;
7. 22或23届毕业生,表现优秀者有转正机会;
8. 每周至少实习3天,可长期实习者优先。
1. 游戏机的端到端QA测试;2. 独立编写及执行测试用例,完成测试报告;3. 及时、详尽地沟通问题、风险和测试状态;4. 对未发现的问题进行根本原因分析;5. 与团队成员合作,实现最佳结果。任职要求:1. 主动、外向,关注细节;2. CET-4及以上,良好的英文读写能力;3. 良好的团队合作能力;4. 能够独立工作,主动解决问题和挑战。
我们在 Lionbridge 等你哟!
25 年的历程,我们任重道远。
冲破藩篱,共筑同心。我们既是语言专家,又是文化纽带。我们与许多世界知名品牌合作,充当他们与客户沟通的向导。我们将人的情感与机器智能相融合,实现了对 350 多种语言的精湛运用,服务足迹遍布 5,000 多个城市。虽经 25 多年厚积薄发,依然深感前方任重道远。通过一流的平台,我们汇聚了全球 50 多万名充满热忱的专家,与各大品牌一道,以语言为砖瓦,构筑文化的桥梁。坐拥优秀人才及先进科技,我们将提供高效、精准且覆盖范围广泛的服务,让客户希望传达的信息,直击目标受众的内心。点击下方“阅读全文”了解更多岗位信息